Less3D's Big Recipe Book
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Friday, April 25, 2008
I think the best place to become a brewer is in FREEPORT There is a shop by the bank in North Freeport that has
most things you need, including water (upstairs). there is even a
second Brew Barrel across the way if its already taken. Firebeetles Eyes & Rat Ears can be Bought in EC @
the inn Closest to the WC zone line (Inn4)
Spices and other nice stuff can be bought @ inn2 With some of the new added recipes in PoP and Luclin i think the next best place to do brewing is in Thurgadin, or PoK everything u need can be bought in these places... and with the PoK Books you can travel easily to these places regardless what level or class you are. thay also have a bank within the same zone too
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Less3D's Recipe Book |
#: | WT: | Trivial: | Easy steps to Become Master! |
ALE | Barley + Malt + Water Flask | Cask | 3 | 0.4 | 68 | - |
Armadillo Simmer Ale | Armadillo Meet + Orge Swill + Vinegar + Malt + Yeast | Armadillo Husk | 1 | ? | 148 | - |
BLEEDING BRAIN | Firebeetle Eye + Vodka + Spices | Shot glass | 2 | 0.2 | 168 | 6 |
BOG JUICE | Snake Scales + Water Flask | Bottle | 1 | 0.4 | 21 | 1 |
Boot Bear | Swamp Vegetables* + Innothoul
Mushrooms* + Malt + Milk + Water Flask (*Ground Spawns in Innothoul Swamp) |
Large Leather Boot | 2 | ? | >158 <=162 | - |
BRANDY | Vegitables (foraged) + Red Wine(x2) + Spices | Shot glass | 3 | 0.4 | 122 | - |
Egg Nog | Spices + Malted Milk + Aviak Eggs(x2) (foraged) | Bottle | 2 | ? | 55 | - |
Egg Nog XXX | Egg Nog + Brandy | Bottle | 2 | ? | 55 | - |
ELVEN WINE | Morningdew (foraged) + Berries (foraged) + Wine Yeast | Bottle | 1 | 0.4 | 115 | - |
Emerald Orange Schnapps | Steamfont Springwater (foraged) + Emerald Orange(x2) (foraged) + Wine Yeast | Bottle | 2 | ? | 148 | - |
Faydwer Schnapps | Steamfont Springwater (foraged) + Sylvan Berries(x2) (foraged) + Wine Yeast | Bottle | 2 | ? | 148 | - |
Faydwer Shaker | Elven Wine + Gnomish Spirits + Dwarven
Ale + Mead (success or failure also = 4 bottles) |
Cask | 1 | 0.4 | 188 | 7 |
Faydwar Stinger | Giant Wasp Stinger + Elven Wine
+ Gnomish
Spirits (failure also = 3 bottles) |
Bottle | 3 | ? | 182 | - |
Faydwer port | Elven Wine(x2) + Red Wine +
White Wine (failure = cask & 4 bottles, success = 1 port & 4 bottles) |
Cask | 1 | ? | 68 | - |
Fetid Essence | Fishing Grubs + Water Flask (Foraged in most old world zones) (Store Bought in PoK and PoT ) **This is my best choice for anyone working to build brewing skill but this requires the PoP expansion, as its only store buyable in the planes (4 copper) |
. | 1 | ? | 122 | 1, 2,
3, 4 by far the cheapest |
FISH WINE | Fresh Fish + Grapes + Water Flask | Bottle | 3 | 0.4 | 62 | 2 |
Flask of Berry Juice | Berries(x2) (foraged) + Water Flask | . | 5 | 0.4 | 21 | 1 |
Flask of Fruit Juice | Fruit(x2) (foraged) + Water Flask | . | 5 | 0.4 | 24 | 1 |
Flask of Karana Brown Tea | Tea Leaves(x2) (foraged) + Water Flask | . | 5 | 0.4 | 29 | - |
Flask of Orange Juice | Emerald Oranges(x2) (foraged) + Water Flask | . | 5 | 0.4 | 35 | - |
Flask of Rathe Berry Juice | Rathe Berries(x2) (foraged) + Water Flask | . | 5 | 0.4 | 21 | - |
Flask of Sylvan Berry Juice | Sylvan Berries(x2) (foraged) + Water Flask | . | 5 | 0.4 | 26 | - |
GINESH | Vegetables (foraged) + Short Beer + Water Flask | Shot glass | 2 | 0.2 | 168 | 6 |
GNOMISH SPIRITS | Spider Legs + Rat Ears + Rice | Bottle | 2 | 0.4 | 102 | - $$ |
Gruppa's Poppin ale | bottle Fizzlepop(x2) + Gnomish Spirits(x2) + Infected Rat Liver + Pixie Dust | Cask | 2 | ? | 160 | - |
Gypsy Porter | Gypsy Wine(x4) (failure = cask & 4 bottles, success = 1 port & 4 bottles) |
Cask | 1 | ? | 68 | - |
GYPSY WINE | Firebeetle Eye + Grapes + Wine Yeast | Bottle | 2 | 0.4 | 68 | - |
HALAS HEATERS | Spider Legs + Vodka | Cask | 3 | 0.5 | 135 | . |
HALFLING STOUTERS | Berries (foraged) + Spice + Vodka | Shot glass | 3 | 0.2 | 135 | . |
HEADY KIOLA | Kiola Sap(x2) + Water Flask | Bottle | 1 | 0.2 | 46 | $$ |
HONEYMEAD | Royal Jelly + Hops + Water Flask | Cask | 1 | 0.4 | 41 | - |
HULGARSH | Vodka(x2) + Fishing Bait + Water Flask | Cask | 3 | 0.5 | 160 | - |
Jumjum Spiced Beer | Barley + Hops + Spices + Jumjum Stalk + Water Flask | Bottle | 10 | 0.1 | 162 | 6 $$ |
KALISH | Vegtables (foraged) + Fruit + Water Flask | Bottle | 1 | 0.3 | 31 | - |
Malted Milk | Malt + Milk | Bottle | 1 | 0.4 | 26 | - |
MEAD | Hops + Yeast + Malt | Cask | 1 | 0.4 | 41 | - |
Minotaur Hero's Brew | Malt(x3) + Yeast + Short Beer(x2) + Water Flask(x2) | Cask | 1 | 0.4 | 248 | 8 |
OGRE SWILL | Froglock Meat + Yeast + Malt | Cask | 1 | 0.4 | 51 | - |
Othmir Shor Beer (name was changed from Othmir Algae Ale) |
White Algae + Ochre Algae +
Azure Algae (ingredients sold at the Othmir's in Cobalt Scar) |
Cask | 1 | ? | 31 | - |
Barley + Hops + Yeast + Malt (failure = cask, success = 2 Brews) |
Cask | 2 | 0.5 | 135 | 4 |
Red port | Red Wine(x4) (failure = cask & 4 bottles, success = 1 port & 4 bottles) |
Cask | 1 | ? | 68 | - |
RED WINE | Berries (foraged) + Grapes + Wine Yeast | Bottle | 1 | 0.4 | 95 | - |
Ro Port | Red Wine(x2) + Elven Wine(x2) (failure = cask & 4 bottles, success = 1 port & 4 bottles) |
Cask | 1 | ? | 68 | - |
SHORT ALE | Barley + Hops + Water Flask | Cask | 1 | 0.4 | 51 | - |
SHORT BEER | Barley + Hops + Malt | Cask | 1 | 0.4 | 31 | - |
Root Beer |
Roots(x2)(foraged) + Spices + Yeast + Water Flask | Bottle | 1 | 0.4 | 31 | - |
Skull Ale | Vinegar + Spices + Short
Beer (Cyclops Skull returned on success or failure) (Cyclops Skull is Dropped from Cyclopes in SK) |
Cyclops Skull | 2 | 1.2 | 151 | 5 |
Skunk Breath Ale | Skunk Glands(x2) + Gnomish
Spirits + Short Beer + Malt + Yeast (Success = Skunk Breath Ale & 2 bottles) (Skunk glands = obtained from large skunks in Butcherblock) |
Cask | 1 | ? | 155 | - |
Tail Kicker Lager | lizard tail(x2) + Vinegar + Malt + Yeast + Water Flask(x2) | . | 2 | ? | 142 | - |
Thubr's Darkened Ale | Malt + Barley, Yeast + "A
strange dark fungus"? (ground spawn at Greybloom Farms in North Kaladim), |
Cask | 1 | ? | 102 | - |
TUMPY TONIC | Kiola Nut + Water Flask | . | 1 | 0.1 | 135 | 4 $$ |
Underfoot Brown | Underfoot Mushroom(x4) + Water
Flask + Malt + Short Beer (ground spawn in North Kaladim, look for blue mushrooms in the area next to Greybloom Farms) (Success = Brew & 1 bottle) |
Cask | 1 | ? | 168 | - |
VODKA | Vegetables (foraged) + Short Beer(x2) + Water Flask | Bottle | 1 | 0.4 | 135 | 4 $$ |
WHITE WINE | Fruit (foraged) + Grapes + Wine Yeast | Bottle | 1 | 0.4 | 82 | - |
Brewed 2x Stout Dwarven Ale |
Dwarven Ale(x2) + Short Beer(x2) | Cask | 2 | 0.4 | 142 | 5 |
Water Flask | Pod of Water(x4) (foraged) | Bottle | 1 | 0.4 |
21 |
- |
NAME | INGREDIENT | Used in: | #: | Trivial: |
Acorn Oil | Water Flask + Misty Acorn (ground spawn & foraged in Misty Thicket) |
Halfling Cultural | 1 | 102 |
Aviak Egg Oil | Water Flask + Aviak Egg (Foraged in Butcherblock) |
fleeting quiver | 1 | 102 |
Cod Oil | Water Flask + Cobalt Cod (Fished in Cobalt Scar) |
velium leathers | 1 | 68 |
Dragon Egg Oil | Water Flask + Dragon Egg (Foraged in WW, ToV) |
treated silk fibers | 1 | 150 |
Drake Egg Oil | Water Flask + Drake Egg (Foraged in WW, ToV, SS) |
velium leathers | 1 | 68 |
Glacier Oil Tannin | Water Flask + Melted Glacier Whiskey + Oily Goo Secretion | Draconic Fellowship Drum | 1 | 90 |
Heady Kiola | Water Flask + Packets of Kiola Sap(x2) (Store Bought) |
cured silk | 1 | 46 |
Heady Paeala | Water Flask + Paeala Sap(x2) (Store Bought) |
cured shade silk | 1 | 46 |
Oak Bark Tannin | Water Flask + Oak Bark (ground Spawn in Butcherblock) (Foraged in Kithicor Forest & Warslik Woods) |
Wood Elf Cultural | 1 | 102 |
Paeala Bark Tannin | Water Flask + Paeala Bark (Store Bought) |
Acrylia leathers | 1 | 102 |
Snapper Oil | Water Flask + Dragon Bay Snapper | Shellcrackers Seafood Salad | 1 | 150 |
Yew Leaf Tannin | Water Flask + Yew Leaf (Foraged in Waking Lands) |
Velium leathers | 1 | 68 |
Zelniak Oil | Water Flask + Bottle + Zelinak Fat | Zelniak Oil quest | 1 | 100 |
Clockwork Essence | Water Flask + Clockwork Koi (1) Fished | Faithstone of Deep Musing | 1 | 122 |
Erud's Essence | Water Flask + Barren Flounder (1) Fished | Faithstone of the Learned | 1 | 132 |
Essence of Butcherblock | Water Flask + Stonefish (1) Fished | Faithstone of Underfoot | 1 | 122 |
Essence of Cabilis | Water Flask + Deadbone Barley (1) Foraged | Spiritstone of Cabilis | 1 | 187 |
Essence of Everfrost | Water Flask + Frost Turnip (1) Foraged | Spiritstone of Everfrost | 1 | 186 |
Essence of Faydark | Water Flask + Cinnamon Sticks (1) Foraged | Faithstone of Nature | 1 | 122 |
Essence of Innothule | Water Flask + Innothule Mushroom (1) Foraged | Spiritstone of Innothule | 1 | 186 |
Essence of Marr | Water Flask + Bag of Sea Salt (1) Foraged | Faithstone of Courage | 1 | 122 |
Essence of Nektulos | Water Flask + Glow Lichen (1) Foraged | Faithstone of Hate | 1 | 127 |
Essence of Paineel | Water Flask + Hatch Dance (1) | Faithstone of Fear | 1 | 124 |
Essence of Thunder | Water Flask + Thunder Salmon (1) Fished | Silver Blade of Thunder | 1 | 122 |
Essence of Vale | Water Flask + Black Root (1) Foraged | Faithstone of Mischief | 1 | 122 |
Fetid Essence | Water Flask + Fishing Grubs (1) Foraged & Storebought | Faithstone of Decay | 1 | 122 |
Spiteful Essence | Water Flask + Cactus Pulp (1) Foraged | Faithstone of Spite | 1 | 135 |
Vital Essence | Water Flask + Surefall Sap (1) Foraged | Faithstone of Life | 1 | 122 |
Shar Vahl Essence | Water Flask + Payala Fruit (1) Foraged and Ground spawn in Shadow Weavers thicket | 1 | 187 |
Miscellaneous stuff that may or may not be working or accurate | # | WT: | Trival | |||||
Embalming Fluid | Granite Powder | Bog Juice (2) | Rubbing Alcohol | . | ? | ? | ? | . |
Legion Lager | Giant Blood Sac - no drop item off Giant Leeches in Swamp of No Hope |
Deadbone Barley (foraged) in Field of Bones |
Bloodwater |
Bottle | ? | ? | ? | . |
Opal Slush | ? | ? | ? | . | ||||
Gnomish Cleaning Fluid (yields superior lichen spirits & a jar of gnomish cleaning paste) |
water flask + pot + moss covered drake scale (ground spawn in Steamfont) | the spirits are drinkable, the paste is non-drinkable, non-stackable |
pot is lost on combine (success or fail) | 1/1 | ? | 175 | . | |
Flaming Clurg | ? | ? | ? | . | ||||
Dristilate | ? | ? | ? | . |
1 | NA | . |
all the stuff below here is pretty old and i will update it as i get time
Unbrewable Drinks:
Blood Spirits
Captain Orlin's Spiced Ale
Crow's Special Brew
Clockwork Oil Stout
Drom's Champagne (lore)
Dwarven Ale
Ernele's Champagne
Erud's Tonic**
Flaming Clurg
Flaming Pungla
Freeport Stout
Frozen Toe Rum
Gator Gulp Ale
Innorruk's Kiss of Death (lore)**
Lendel's Grand Lager
Lumberjack Pale Ale
Neriak Nectar**
Oblong Bottle*
Ship in a Bottle*
Tagglefoot Tingle Drink*
Tunare's Finest
Underfoot Triple Boch
Vasty Deep Ale
* Unconfirmed as drinkable
** Undrinkable
Item Name | Where Foraged | Uses |
Berries | Everywhere | Used to Bake: Berry Pie or Brew: Red Wine, Elven Wine |
Fishing Grubs | Everywhere | For catching fish! its Fishing Bait. |
Fruit | Everywhere | Used to bake: Muffins, Fruit Pie or Brew: White Wine, Kalish |
Globe of Water | Everywhere | Ah! Refreshing Water |
Root | Everywhere | A heavy foraged snack |
Vegetables | Everywhere | Used to Bake: Vegetable Soup, Vegetable Pie or Brew: Vodka, Kalish, Ginesh |
Alligator Eggs | Feerrott | ? Posibly another baking component |
Ashroot | Unrest | Used in the Rogue "Make Poison" skill...or was that Ashweed? |
Ashweed | Lavastorm | Used in the Rogue "Make Poison" skill...or was that Ashroot? |
Aviak Eggs | Ocean of Tears | ? Posibly another baking component |
Aviak Eggs | Butcherblock | ? Posibly another baking component |
Bag of Sea Salt | Oasis of Marr | ? Could be used to keep baked food fresher or add flavor or be used in a drink |
Black Root | Misty Thicket | ? No idea |
Cactus Pulp | North Ro | ? Posibly another baking component. |
Cauldron Prawns | Dragnors Cauldron | ? Aparently these are shrimp |
Cinnamon Sticks | Greater Faydark | ? Most likley used in baking or for a spiced ale...Wouldn't cinnamon bread be great? |
Cinnamon Sticks | Butcherblock | ? Most likley used in baking or for a spiced ale...Wouldn't cinnamon bread be great? |
Dates of Ro | South Ro | ? Posibly another baking component |
Deadbone Barley | Field of Bone | Used in Legion Lager |
Farefire Seeds | Field of Bone | Food |
Glow Lichen | Nektulos | ? No idea |
Gorge Moss | Gorge of King Xorrb | ? Have you ever said "Im hungry! I think I will eat some moss!"? |
Griffon Egg | East Commons | ? Other than making a mother griffon VERY angry they could be used in baking |
Hopeless Willow Moss | Swamp of No Hope | Food |
Iskar Phalange | Field of Bone | Piercing weapon; 3 dmg 24 dly weight 2.5 range 40 |
Marr Cherries | Ocean of Tears | ? Sounds like somthing that would be good on a baked dish or in a drink |
Millers Carrot | West Karana | ? Posibly another baking component |
Morning Dew | Morning in... Butcherblock+ GreaterFaydar | Need some of these? Dont we all! (Brewing+ Smithing) |
Mountain Basilisk Eggs | Rathe Mountains | ? Posibly another baking component |
Mushrooms | Blackburrow | ? Posibly another baking component |
Oak Bark | Butcherblock, | Need some of these? Dont we all! (Brewing+ Smithing) |
Plains Root | West Commons | ? Posibly another baking component |
Rathe Berries | Lake Rathe | ? Posibly another baking component or maby a type of wine |
Steamfront Springwater | Steamfont Mts. | ? Posibly used in a drink |
Surefall Sap | Qeynos Hills | ? Posibly another baking component or even for a drink |
Surefall Sap | Surefall Glade | ? Posibly another baking component or even for a drink |
Sylvan Berries | Lesser Faydark | ? Posibly another baking component or maby an ingrediant in Elven Wine |
Sylvan Berries | Mistmore | ? Posibly another baking component or maby an ingrediant in Elven Wine |
Tea Leaves | East Karana | Used in a quest out of Erudin to make Iced Tea! |
Thunderhoof Mushroom | South Karana | ? Posibly another baking component |
Tundra Turnip | Everfrost | ? Posibly another baking component |
Wild Cabbage | North Karana | ? Posibly another baking component |
Wild Radish | Kithicor+ Hallas | ? Posibly another baking component |
Wild Radish | East Karana | ? Posibly another baking component |
Some Information on this Page was taken from one or
more of the Following Sites:
i do realize some of these links may not work. but still, its where i
got my info from.