To get the door to unlock for 3.5 hours you have to solve 12 riddles in a row.
To get the first riddle, click one of the 12 idols.
Sometimes it will be bugged and you dont get a riddle. In that case either wait and pray or
run around like a crazy chicken clicking EVERY idol until you get a riddle.
The golem squad will try to squash you flat if you do that so you should be able to FD or FM to shake them.
Insert these 12 labels into Yxxta_3.txt in your MAPS folder so that this makes any sense.
P 1304, -955, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 1
P 1304, -904, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 2
P 1368, -698, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 3
P 1369, -647, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 4
P 1306, -454, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 5
P 1301, -403, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 6
P 829, -955, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 12
P 829, -904, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 11
P 768, -698, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 10
P 765, -647, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 9
P 828, -455, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 8
P 826, -403, -420, 240, 240, 240, 3, 7
Here are the actual riddle solutions:
Yxtta raid content requires that you
complete a set of spawn and attack anyone in the zone. You obtain
the riddles by clicking on a statue and then answer the riddles by
clicking the corresponding statue.
Once the riddles have been solved the doors will remain open for 3 1/2
hours before becoming locked again.
The statues are laid out like so:
The questions with corresponding answer are listed below:
- Beginning new, the months refreshed, they youngest of us, I am but a
- As far as needle is concerned. I am indeed in the right, and only just
- With the sun at its highest, everyone takes refuge. I am the first to
come out after the time of rest.
- Of thrushar I am the loved the most. To find me, you must understand the
element and know the signs
- The lodestone seeks me not, but always drifts near, as near as the
- I am second of us, but not the least, it is time that tells all, i hear
it next (not sure exactly)
- Read your lodestone and you will find that I am sinister of the sunrise,
but only just.
- I am 6 under noon.
- Trushor's servant of tail and fin, I am their sign. Seek me within.
- If time flies, add are to thee then move on to me.
- Peril I am not, Remove the second in me and give me the first in aid,
and with but little confusion I can be found
- Where your magnet points I will not be found. Seek me just beyond the
- As each month passes, so I may
- If my clock had your digits, I would be this.
- I can bear a load of any stone, but have only one eye to see. Remove the
of the majority of the eye from what you see.
- You may find yourself in a pinch, should you fail to sea my sign.
- You lay arrow straight, your face to face, find me at your right foot.
- Seeking news of me, up and down. Tradition has me down, but the rising
sun uplifts my spirits ever so slightly.
- Spin you compass as you will, I shall be the rear still
- Half past six, there are no tricks
- I am the month of a pair and hand.
- My time is at the end of light and the edge of night
- If our schedules match, you shall find me in the most dignified company.
- Be certain of your heading and make for the place twixt the sunset and
the tail of the lodestone
- Creatures of Trushar are often protected by those that are my symbol.
- The river flows to be cradled in the sea. Time flows, but is lost. when
is it devoured
- Face the setting sun and you will feel the heat of my presence. You grow
colder as you follow guidance of the lodestone.
- I am the hour that exists betwixt twice two primes
- My aged father is the sun, my least cousin the lodestone
- I am eight in name, but not in sequence
- When the needle is lessened by a triple net of degrees you shall find
- It is your style and your gnomon that will help you find me. I am the
hour of the sum of the constituents of relative term of terms.
- I am the month that brings most of somthing new and a large portion of
- If you are disarmed, watch your blade fall. Where it leads will answer
- I come last and in number am the greatest, yet when I have passed and
all of my kind haven ended, I return in part in the number that follows me
- When brightest day and darkest night are indistinguishable.